Demo x modifiche 2023

88Robert Parker 2023
91Luca Maroni 2017
89Luca Maroni 2016
****Italian Touring Club 2016

Harvested by hand in mid-September, it is vinified by destemming and soft pressing followed by fermentation with selected yeasts in new barriques to maintain the freshness and fruitiness of the arneis. Refinement takes place first in wood, for 12 months in the same barriques where it fermented, with manual bâttonage every 15 days. It then finishes its refinement in the bottle (lying down) for 6 months.



100% Arneis

Production area

Canale, Roero




320 m a.s.l.


South - East







Bottle format

750 cl

Open/download data sheet

Etichetta ambientale

Cat. Material Code. Destination
Bottles Green glass GL 71 Glass collection
Caps Cork FOR 51 Dedicated waste collection
Capsules Heat shrinkable PVC capsule C/PVC 90 Plastic collection
Capsules Polylaminate capsule C/ALU 90 Aluminum collection
Capsules Shellac PI Undifferentiated waste
Cartons (for multiples of bottles) Cartoons PAP 20 Paper collection
Beehives (bottle separators for cartons) Hives with internal wave PAP 20/21 Paper collection
Bottle tissue Tissue/paper PAP 22 Paper collection
Wooden crates Wood FOR 50 Dedicated waste collection
Paper labels Labels are not subject to separate disposal from the glass bottle

Nota bene

Verifica sempre le disposizioni vigenti nella tua località. Separa le componenti e conferiscile in modo corretto.

Etichetta nutrizionale

Valori nutrizionali riferiti a: 100 ml
Energia kj 314
kcal 75
Grassi g 0
di cui acidi grassi saturi g 0
Carboidrati g 0,27
di cui zuccheri g 0,27
Proteine g 0
Sale g 0


Uva, antiossidante, conservante (solfiti), stabilizzante (gomma arabica).

Sostenibilità ambientale


Operatore controllato N. ………. Organismo di controllo autorizzato dal MIPAAF IT-BIO- ………. AGRICOLTURA ITALIA

SQNPI: Sistema di Qualità Nazionale Produzione Integrata.

Che cos’è la produzione integrata? È un sistema di produzione agricola che utilizza metodi e mezzi produttivi di difesa dalle avversità volto a ridurre al minimo l’uso delle sostanze chimiche di sintesi, razionalizzare la fertilizzazione e mantenere la biodiversità.

5 punti chiave della certificazione SQNPI:

  1. Sicurezza alimentare dei prodotti agricoli;
  2. Metodi di produzione sostenibili;
  3. Sicurezza del lavoratore;
  4. Tracciabilità documentata dei prodotti;
  5. Uso responsabile delle risorse per il rispetto dell’ambiente.

Data sheet of Miladui, Roero Arneis DOCG

wine tasting 36

FeaturesTasting notes

This Roero Arneis is a well-structured wine. Harmonious, vanilla, with sensations of flowers. The taste is pleasant and persistent. The colour is an intense straw yellow.

Wine & foodAbbinations

The wine should be served at 13-14°C. It goes very well with fish dishes, cheese, white meat and game.


wine pairing 24

Commonly, the name Arneis identifies an extrovert and somewhat rebellious individual as original and likeable. Similarly, our Roero Arneis Miladui - a proud son of the Roero hills - is an excellent representation of these characteristics.

The sandy soils on which it is born give it intensity and richness of aroma. Limestone and clay provide structure and importance.

A great historical white wine from Piedmont, par excellence. Roero Arneis is in fact the result of a happy rediscovery, due to intuition, passion and stubbornness. An authentic jewel of local oenology, it quickly became part of the international oenological elite.

It is characterised by a straw-yellow colour with accentuated greenish reflections.
The wine has a fruity bouquet and is as pleasant as it is delicate. On the palate it expresses a dry flavour, without bitterness, and elegant. It is excellent as an aperitif or with fish dishes.
We suggest to drink the Roero Arneis Miladui young, at a temperature of 13-14°C.